Bulletins – 2023 Q4

Club Assembly

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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September 17th meeting

Good morning, Rotary Club of Windsor.
Four Way Test: led by Monica McCabe – THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think,
say or do:
First – Is it the TRUTH?,
Second – Is it Fair to All Concerned?,
Third – Will it Build Good Will and Better Friendships?
Fourth – Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?
Song: Bill Bolster led “Like to Know You” by Spanky and Our Gang
Inspiration- Leah Hansen, Margaret Mead, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Visiting Rotarians: None
Visitors: Bill Adams (WUSD Board of Trustees), Don Edgar, Eric Johnson (Hansel), Tim
Ricard (Economic Dev Dir Town of Windsor), Rodrigo (WHS Interact)
Town Council Candidates: Sam Salmon (D2 inc), John Leyba (D2), Rosa Reynosa
(Mayor Inc), JB Leep (D3), Archie Eckles (D3) Daniel Bryant (D3), David Stankas (D3)
Today’s speakers (Maureen) – We had a full meeting program with the Town Council
candidates taking and A and meeting the Rotarians and our guests.

Archie Eckles: Lifelong Windsor resident, shuttle driver at Mayacama, landscape
contractor recently semi-retired, pumpkin farmer at Bill Raasch ranch. Issues of Interest
include: Roads, Schools, & Economic Growth.

JB Leep: Encouraged by Deb Fudge to run for her seat to continue supporting
Environmental Projects. Grew up and worked in family's construction business on the
peninsula and has experience and expertise in home building and development
process. Stanford Graduate followed by various business ventures in the tech and retail
industries. Currently retired and leads Waste Less Windsor.

Daniel Bryant: 28-year Windsor resident, graduate of WHS. Housing stock and housing
availability are key issues. Cyber Security professional. Raising his family in Windsor
and Windsor School system.

Dave Stankas: Moved to Windsor in 1974. Entrepreneur since 1984. New experience
running for council and meeting new constituents, city officials, and all interested

John Leyba: 2year Windsor resident, Chief of Staff for No Coast Regional VP of PG&E.
Problem solving in everything he does personally and professionally. Past VP San Jose
Parks Foundation and a San Jose Planning Commissioner.

Sam Salmon: Served on Council for 30 years. Considers Town Council as service to
the community, staying involved because of the appreciation he receives from the
constituents in town.

Question 1: (Bolster). Affordable Housing, How do we do it?
Eckles: Regulation is important to not lose hometown feel
Leep: Affordable Housing Regulated by state limits the Town options,
Bryant: Partner with Burbank Housing (or similar organization) to work within state
requirements to obtain affordable housing. Wants to see “Olivers” housing project get
going again as well as the project at the SE corner of Windsor/Windsor River Rd.
Stankas: Agrees with the limitations on state regulation, wants to support proactive
infrastructure to coordinate with development proposals.
Leyba: More supply is only way to lower housing costs and the Town has wanted to
restrict housing for 2 decades. Supports affordable housing by design and wants to
encourage developers to take on affordable housing along with single family housing.
Salmon: Affordable housing is mostly hi-density housing and we need to include
livability in the design of any proposed housing. Tini homes can be an option, livability
is the most important component.

Question #2: (Diego) – Low-income employees are very limited in availability due to
high rents in County, what can you do about it?
Salmon: Encourage employees to find subsidized housing. Would like to find ways for
purchasing eligibility for lower income families.
Leyba: Many charities in town offer subsidies. Town Council has numerous limitations
on controlling housing costs.
Stankas: Has higher paid employees that can’t afford rents either. Not aware of
Bryant: The Town Council can encourage higher paying employers to come into town
that will have a better chance to afford rents. Too many friends have left the Town and
State to better economic areas.
Leep: Retail/Restaurants are too tough a business to pay enough wages to afford the
rents. Unions can be a pathway to higher earning jobs. CTE programs at WHS
students also can provide entry pathway to students for higher paying jobs.

Eckles: As a past landscape contractor with employees, he understands the problem
and he kept working after selling his company in order to pay his own housing
Question #3: (Neff) – Windsor needs a new library approx. 3X it’s current size. How do
we get it?
Eckles: HBG is remodeling theirs. Would support most anything that can be properly
Leep: Library is located at a prime area (Town Green) that can be better suited, look at
analysis for best location to get size needed and repurposing existing site to be most
Bryant: Opposed to civic center project to protect existing assets of gym and library.
What is the analysis of the libraries demand and usage. Prefers library stays where or
near its current location.
Stankas: Likes library resource and would support its growth.
Leyba: Friends of the Library and will support growth alternatives along with community
support. Possible partner with WUSD for identifying a location to maximize student
Salmon: Library user. 2 nd story not an option, and remodeling probably wouldn’t
accomplish what is needed. Town Green location is important for community. Need to
balance our assets with other community needs like a swimming pool. Town would
need to partner with library association to accommodate growth.
Q4 Y/N: Do you favor the establishment of the Koi casino? 7NO, 0YES
Q5 Y/N: Town rejected civic center, would you be willing to revisit the topic? 1NO, 6YES
Q6 Y/N: Do you trust the 2020 national election results 7YES, 0NO
Q7 Y/N: Do you know about Measure Q and do you support it? 3Yes, (others no
Q8 Y/N: Windsor needs a dog park, will you support it? 7Y0N
Q9 Y/N: Council voted against term limits, would you vote to bring it back for further
discussion? 7Y
Q10: (Reynosa) Thank you to all candidates for running and keep trying if you’re
unsuccessful. What is your #1 challenge that you would like to take on as Council

Salmon: McClelland Hotel
Leyba; LT Fiscal Health
Stankas: Listening to all constituents
Bryant: Balancing development
Leep: Balanced budget and improvements, find more tax revenue
Eckles: Balanced budget and Town Green
Q11: (McChesney) – Environmental Degradation across the globe, how does town
council make an impact in reversing this trend?
Eckles: Recycling and uses of all resources need continued attention. Wildfire is also
now a concern.
Leep: Education through Waste Less Windsor and reaching out to our students and
schools. It’s our responsibility to do something small every day.
Bryant: Net zero approach to wastewater exists in Windsor and is a leading program
that could be duplicated throughout the Town.
Stankas: Education is the key, get students involved.
Leyba: Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and create a more bicycle/pedestrian accessible
Salmon: Stay out of cars is the key and encourage bicycle riding.
Q12: (Hackenburg) – At what point does direct contact and communication with
applicants/appellants create a conflict of interest and how do you decide to participate in
official Council action?
Salmon: We must listen to everyone.
Leyba: Follow case law regarding conflicts and the Town Attorney makes the
recommendation to defer participation.
Stankas, Leep, and Bryant agree with Leyba’s answer.
Eckles: Agree also and it’s important to do your own research.
Closing comments by all candidates.
------- End of Program ------

Barbara: Thank you to all our candidates and guests and everyone is welcome to come
back any time. Go out and make some Rotary Magic happen.
Meeting adjourned.

Club Assembly

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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Sept. 3, 2024


Good day to you.

`  4 way test

`  Song - Susan Cole - Beatles song

`  Inspiration - Diane Brabatz

`  Visiting Rotarians - N/A

`  Visitors - Randall Neff (last time as a guest, inducted today into our club)

  Environmental Moments - Margaret Johnson told a story of a teaching moment in her past where she told the students about a “solar clothes drier”, (a clothes line).  She discussed other options of drying clothes such as using drying racks (set in her bathtub) or using bungee chords to make a clothes line in the garage and hanging wet clothes from hangars on them. She suggested there are benefits to going back to the old ways.

`  Announcements 

Chili Cook-Off on 9/7

              John LeCave will be substitute president at our next meeting on 9/10

              Renee Hyde - discussed Rotary Bar - last night on the Town Green. We made $2100.00.           A short video of all the people who had worked the Rotary Bar last season set to the song, “Tequila”.

               Monica McCabe - encouraged everyone to sign the photo book of Doug's debunking to be delivered to him during the week.

               Ribbon cutting for Kaiser Pump Park is set for 9/11/24.  Members are encouraged to attend the ceremony as our club had donated $10,000 to the construction.

`  Induction - Congratulations Randall Neff for joining Rotary. He enjoyed a previous career in library work and continues this passion with the Windsor Public Library.

` Barbara McChesney and club members gave a brief summary of everything we are doing through the end of the year.  

Some club activities include:

`  Environmental - How to be eco-friendly

   Youth services.

`  Fundraising Committee leader needed 

`  Community Service team - Monica discussed the 9/28 - Windsor Parade. We need people to make posters and possibly have a poster party. Also, a meeting on 9/9 will be held for the Grant committee.

`  Membership Chairman - Maureen - we need help to attract people to our club,  retain membership, and help provide orientation.

`  Council on Aging - Larry discussed the Meals on Wheels program.  $200,000 in grants will NOT be funded this year.  There are volunteer opportunities to deliver meals to seniors while at the same time check on their well being.

`  Freaky Fundraiser- There are opportunities here to work with other community service groups to make this event happen.

`  Food/Toy Drive - Larry shared that at the holiday food and gift giveaway, we give 300 boxes of food and approximately 800 kids toys. Club members are asked to help with this.

`  Kincade Monument - Larry explained that a rock monument will be scheduled for placement in Foothills Park and coin medallions will be created to present to first responders who had saved Windsor from the Kincade Fire.  Volunteers are still needed for this committee.

`  Scholarship programs-Michael J.is looking for members to help with scholarships.

`  Rotary meeting assignments-  There are always needs for the various areas of club management.

`  Rotary International - Renee (for Pam) discussed the need for suggestions on money dispersement.

`  Barbara had created posters of Windsor Rotary Club activities, attached them to the walls, and gave everybody 15 minutes to go around and sign up for what they would be interested in volunteering/helping with, by posting a post-it with their name and subject on the activity poster.

Barbara thanked everyone who helped volunteer at the days meeting.

Robin Schifando - Scribe


Eric Johnston: CEO of Sonoma Media Investments

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Eric Johnston: CEO of Sonoma Media Investments'

Rotary Club of Windsor: Minutes of club meeting for August 27

*President, Barbara McChesney, called the meeting to order at 7:30
*Mike Merrill led the Pledge of Allegiance
*Susan Cole led the song "Dancin' in the Streets"
*Doug Williams led the Inspiration
*Visiting Rotarians: Eric Johnston, CEO & Publisher of Sonoma Media Investments
*Visitors: Selena Francis, Randall Ness, Kristin Liekhus, Kim Knor (85 year old sky diving legend)

*Larry McCabe reminded us to take some free bottles of wine
*Renee Hyde reporting on last weeks bar making $1208.25 and a yearly total of $22,952 earned. This week is the last Thursday of the bar on the green
*Sue Nelson announced that Friday 9/20 at noon a dedication lunch will be served celebrating the Wellness Center
*Kim Knor at 85 years old has completed 738 sky jumps; She aims to complete 1,000 jumps; she won gold in 1962 on the US 
Women's Parachute Team
*Barbara McChesney said that 9/21 will be a county wide clean-up campaign; she will send an informative email

*Maureen Merrill led the induction for Kristin Liekhus sponsored by Carol Martin

Speaker: Maureen Merrill introduced Eric Johnston, CEO & Publisher of Sonoma Media Investments. Eric related how lucky we were to have the Press Democrat which reports "real local news" about Sonoma County

Thank Yous:
*Host: Domingo
*Greeter: Renee Hyde
*Set-Up: Kurt Michler
*A/V Set Up: Jessica Dominguez
*Inspiration: Doug Williams
*Song: Susan Cole
*Scribe: Margaret Johnson
*Photography: Sue Nelson

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Johnson, Scribe for the Day

Tara Good-Young and PDI

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Tara Good-Young and PDI'

Maureen Merrill-president for the day


Good morning Rotary Club of Windsor.

  • Call to order 7:30am

4 Way Test

  • Maureen with special add of Pegi Ball helping announce!

Song: Geoff Harrison 

  • Let’s Go Fly a Kite – David Tomlinson, Dick Van Dyke and the Londoners. Do you remember the last time you flew a kite? It’s great fun – go fly a kite!

Inspiration: Mike Merrill 

  • James Clear – Author of atomic habits – “wisdom is the echo of experience”

Visiting Rotarians: 

  • None ?


  • Speaker Andrew Redick
  • Celina Francis, former Rotarian 
  • Kristen (no AnaBeth since she started school)
  • Randall is back!


Environmental moment:   

  • Monica McCabe - Bought a water distiller on Amazon (less than $100) for CPAP! Super easy and way better than all of those plastic bottles! About 3 hours for a gallon of water! ?? Can use for irons, humidifiers, etc….


  • Carol Martin – on tables, blue business cards! Mark your calendar for World Peace Conference at the end of January 2025! Our club is a sponsor! Headlined by Jennifer Jones – past international president! 
  • Pam – International services meeting right after this meeting! Meet at back table!
  • Renee-Rotary bar – BLAST last week! $1,777.05 - $21,743.75 YTD, TWO events left!! One spot this week and one next week. Will send around sign up sheet!! Join if you can! A fun social!
  • Larry McCabe- Board Report from last night – everyone is welcome to come to the meetings.
    • Carol – reporting on financials – moving $$ over $1.6 endowment to exchange bank, looking good!
    • Areas of service – youth on track for exchange student next year
    • Community service – grant to district for project around removal
    • Submissions for us to give out grants. It’s FUN for us to give out money!
    • International – meeting today
    • Membership – Kristen is visitor today and will join the club next week
    • Barbara will have a club assembly and discuss all volunteer opportunities
    • Barbara is looking for help with Interact Club
    • Kincade Monument – as tribute to firefighters of local fires; along with that we are looking at challenge coins – reminders that you have done something good. Want to give one to each firefighter and police officer in town
    • Michael Juric – scholarships for HS students – we have 9 this year! One sent a thank you that Michael that he read to the club! So sweet!
    • Peace Pole was dedicated to Big Picture Learning – after it was set! JB spoke at dedication!
    • Maureen – you invite people to come to meetings, the board extends invitations to join Rotary. We introduce them to club and have them learn about us.
    • Michael – called Joe up to pick a number for raffle for Wine Cellar! 39 was drawn – so winner is …… Michael LaComte. – Oak tree winery in Windsor.
    • Monica – thank you Michael for all of the work on the fundraiser and raffle
  • Monica – Windsor Pump Track – Saturday 9-1 workday if you can make it! It’s the dirt bike track that Windsor Rotary donated $10k to build! 
  • Monica – starting grant solicitation season! List will be passed around if you have an organization that you would like to see on there add it to the list!
  • Birthdays in August!
    • Brian – 63 on Friday! Had dinner with mom!
      • Put $100 to Polio Plus yesterday!
    • Bill Bolster – celebrated 41st anniversary of 40th birthday!
      • $100 to Windsor Community Fund!
    • Larry – birthday later this month and insurance premiums dropped! 65! 
      • $65 to Community Foundation!
    • Maureen – Birthday on Saturday! Sue stepped up to fine her! 
      • $75 to Ken Walton scholarship fund!

Monthly theme: The Rotary International theme is membership and new club development.


Speaker:  Andrew Reddie AI- JB announce

  • Associate Research Professor – Public Policy, UC Berkely.
  • Founder – UC Berkeley‘s Risk and Security Lab.
  • Was in Interact Club!
  • Impact of emerging technology on security – how they are being used and what the risk could be! Showed us a video of how AI can help us process. TDLR – Threat Deadline Likelihood Recommendation – a command-and-control system to analyze data at machine speeds. Use to inform human choices – not replace them. Future of life institute has the video if you would like to watch it. 
  • Worry about how we use AI and how the rest of the world also uses AI. Work on international security and how we use AI to manage these risks. Easy job – explain AI in 20 minutes to group! Great book – Defining “The AI” from Russel and Norvig to get you introduced to this topic. 
  • Many debates around what AI really is. In the states we think ChatGPT.  Other countries think of robots (self driven cars for example). 
  • AI pulls from a variety of different disciplines and is not a curriculum on its own. Natural language processing, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, machine learning, computer vision, robots, … that encompasses about 16 different schools of disciplines – engineering, science, philosophy, etc… Defining AI – use same decision making that you use as a human to collect and make that decision. 
  • AI systems buy you – Speed, Efficiency and Emergent Properties.
  • Several bills on the table right now to forbid the use of AI. Case worker example you would go from the ability to make decisions with recommendations on 500 cases down to 5 to process all of the data by yourself. Can’t cost the bills as AI is currently being used.
  • Looks at what human strategists are missing. The “Go” game – learned how to play and looked at AlphaGo and how it learned to play the game and then started to do things that humans were not doing and showed us how to play the game differently. 
  • Use cases - machine translation, speech recognition, medical diagnosis, gaming coding
  • Sensors tell you information – AI puts that information together to help you make decisions. Sensor picks something up, tracks speed, looks at composition, tells you where it came from – what is it??
  • Frontier models – Google, Amazon, etc… is open AI. That helps answer all questions since they are scraping and fine-tuning the date collected. These are not “searches” – AI predicts next word in sentence based on the information collected.
  • Can customize Chat GPT and make it better for your use and with which to play around!


  • Any body of work being done on humans in terms of using these if cognitive development is being harmed? 
    • Yes, studies are being done and worry about cognitive development. ChatGPT is NOT a search – it is AI. Lots of work still to be done
  • Underreported environmental impact on energy used – how do you see that moving forward? 
    • Deploy nuclear reactors on data centers to handle the need.

Thank you to:

Host:  Margaret Johnson

Greeter: Robin Resendez
Set-up: Kurt Mitchler
A/V set-up: Larry McCabe
Inspiration: Mike Merrill
Song: Geoff Harrison
Scribe: Alison Huber
Photography: Sue Nelson


  • Andrew Redick
  • Celina Francis
  • Kristen 
  • Randall 

Tara Good-Young and PDI

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
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Minutes, Rotary Club of Windsor, August 13, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance – Steve Klick

Song: - JB:   When the Saints Go Marching In

Visiting Rotarians: Kristin Koszewski and Anna Beth, Randy Neff

Environmental Moment:  Chris Landwehr showed several items.  His wife, Maureen, makes fabric and beeswax covers for dishes (instead of plastic wrap), she also sewed bags for storing bulk grocery items, and they have purchased bags for buying and storing veggies and fruit from the store.  Thanks, Chris and Maureen!



Michael Le Comte posts news to our Rotary Club of Windsor Facebook page.  Check it out!  

August 14:  There will be a Peace Pole dedication tomorrow at 7:15 pm at Big Picture Learning, formally North Bay Met Academy)

August 19:  Board meeting, on Zoom, 5:30 pm.

August 20:  Past President Maureen Merrill will preside

August 27:  Eric Johnson at our Tuesday meeting

August 29:  SCARC dinner: August 29


September 14.  Rotary Youth Golf Tournament:    Sponsors and volunteers are needed! Contact Renee!

September 21:  38th annual Russian River Watershed Clean up

September 28: Windsor Day Parade


Rotary Bar Report:  last week the bar earned $1,100, and the total for the summer so far is $20,016


Instant Wine Cellar:  $50 a ticket.  We only have five tickets left!

Our Exchange student from Germany, Stefan, is coming for a semester at UC Berkeley!  Carol and JB are looking for a few basic housekeeping supplies to help him get set up.  Contact Carol if you would like to help!

Debunking summary: Michael Juric, master of ceremonies, thanked all who helped and attended the wonderful debunking for Doug, including: Bill, Steve, Monica, Pam, Pegi, Mike and Maureen, Sue and John, Michael LeComte, Boyd, Beth, Renee, Brian, JB, Carol, Tom, Barbara, Larry and Wally in absentia, and everyone in the club who helped make it a special evening for Doug by setting up, cleaning up, sending messages, working on skits, and more.  What a team!


Next month’s theme:  Membership and new club development.  Consider inviting a friend or neighbor to a breakfast meeting!

Our Exchange Student from Windsor to Taiwan, Natalie Huey, is home from a wonderful year!  Natalie shared slides and stories of her time in Taiwan.  She was able to take some fun classes including culinary, watercolor, handiwork, and computer.  She loved city life!  She was in a KPop club! Students in Taiwan study very hard at school, and are in Cram Clubs after school and on the weekend.  Natalie said there is a lot of pressure to excel.  Social Networking is very popular – even her host grandma has Instagram. Several members asked Natalie to come back and tell us more about her year.  


Speaker:  Tara Good Young

Tara is the CEO of Pediatric Dental Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving low income children, children with special needs and educating parents about the importance of good, early dental health.  Tooth decay is the #1 preventable chronic disease in U.S. children.  Dental insurance, and MediCal-dental do not cover all the expense of this type of treatment so Tara works hard to win grants and donor support.  

Thanks to:

Host: Larry Mills

Greeter: Mike Ragsdale

Set Up: Robin and Kristine

A/V  set up: Mike Rausch

Song: Susan Cole

Scribe: Monica McCabe

Photography: Sue Nelson

Respectfully submitted:

Monica McCabe


A Visit from District Governor Jim O’Grady

Tuesday, August 6, 2024
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President Barbara McChesney called the meeting to order

JB Leep introduced Larry, Susan and Geoff to lead us in a singalong version of The 4 Way Test
This was followed by JB giving us the following inspiration, “If you’re not making mistakes then you’re just not trying things that are difficult enough”
Visting Rotarians – District Governor Jim O’Grady,
Visitors – interact -Gael Zatino, Sergio Sales, Kristin and Annabeth Karzinky (sp), Randal on his 4th visit has decided that will apply to be part of the club.
President Barabara reminded us of the environmental challenges we face and cited the large fire in California as an example of the effect of global warming as a lead in to the introduction of adding time to our meeting for an Environmental Moment (every week) – this week was kicked off by Michael Juric, Rotarians are encouraged to bring their own Environmental Moments to share at future meetings.
Michael’s Moment – Michael was introduced to a laundry detergent that friends use while visiting them in Mendocino – it comes in cardboard rather than a plastic container.  He has made the switch to this product and so has one less thing that comes in plastic packaging.
Doug’s Debunking Aug 9th
Renee Hyde rotary bar – $2,252.13 in sales last Thursday bringing the cumulative to $18,804.35!
This week’s band is Cassy B (pop band) – could use one more person.  There are 4 more Thursday nights on the Green remaining!
Wine cellar lottery – Only 50 tickets will be sold!  -16 more to go at $50 each!  Winner will receive 49 bottles of wine! 
Doug’s Debunking – be there at 5.45 – send to Michael Juric a line or two about “how Doug made a difference”
Beth and Domingo – introduced our youth exchange guests Daniella and Alyssa.  The big take away from visiting Spain was the “foreign streets were compact and interesting to experience”
This month’s theme is Membership – In recognition of this Rotarian’s introduced themselves to Jim O’Grady and the club as if Jim were a new member and with their name and category (occupation)
District Governor Jim O’Grady’s presentaiton
Jim been part of Rotary for 20 yrs, President twice and plays accordion.
Jim O’Grady—international theme is the Magic of Rotary.  “Magic is the power to influence events through mysterious forces.”  We have the power to influence events in our community and around the world.
What is this magic of rotary?  Friendship.  “Friendship” what does that mean to you?  love, belonging, connection – in the acts of delivering meal, reading to a child, giving a gift. Its not the things exchanged but the feeling that is shared.
Helen Keller quote “you have heard how my teacher found me in a dark soundless world and how with a little word dropped from her fingers a ray of light fropped from her soul she touched the darkness in my mind and I awoke in the joy and beauty of life  isn’t that what we as Rotarians are doing every day through service and fellowship
Jim is in Rotary first for friendship – and enjoys learning the names of who we serve and making friend with all that we …Rotary does much but it begins and ends with Friendships
Our district theme this year is building better friendships
Jim O’Grady presented Monica McCabe with a Friendship Award from the District.  “Monica’s leadership style is friendly kind and gets things done.  She exemplifies the spirit of Rotary.  Monica does not hesitate to reach out to community members and city officials making friends for Rotary along the way. Without being asked, Monica checks in on Rotary members that may need a little extra support.  She is a friend to all of us”
Monica stated she was, “glad she got dressed up today”
Trivia contest! – theme of trivia questions is friendship
What happened first?  Membership reached 1 million or Women were allowed in Rotary?
Answer—Membership reached 1 million in 1985.  Women joined Rotary in 1987
Which happened 1st 4 way test was written or the first Rotary youth exchange happened?
Answer—1st Youth Exchange
What is the plus in polio plus?  Why did Rotary add plus to the campaign of ending Polio?
It was thought that it would also spur an increase in the immunization in other diseases with additional vaccinations for Measles, Diptheria, Tuberculosis, Whooping cough, Tetanus.
Every Rotarian Every Year—encouraging all Rotarians to give $25.  Only half Rotarians give anything each year.  Jim encouraged the group to find something fun to do—an event or something social that would generate some money so that a contribution of $25 may be given for every Rotarian of the club this year.  Only 6 clubs out of the district’s 46 have achieved this goal.
What is the greatest distance from Chicago that the Four Way Test has been displayed?
Answer--Astronaut buzz aldrin planted a Four Way Test pin on the moon when he landed Apollo 11.
Accordion time!!!—1st song from Poland – German polish gardens built
2nd song—Greece—creating friendships for piece, teens from Greece and turkey brought together and started to bring teens from isreal and palistine too
3rd song—italy—program to build intonation frineds through business and agriculture
4th song—France—fellowship called Francophonie to promote the speaking of French around the world.
Fellowships—a way to channel one’s passion and hobbies into action and friendship to do good!
Any interest you have is likely to have a Rotary Fellowship you can join!
5th song—Czechoslovakia—started clubs on and off over the years sometime meeting in secret due to political persecution or prohibition.
6th song—Mexico—in 1930s Paul Harris traveled the world and planted trees as a symbol of friendship and Mexico was one of those countries he planted a tree.
7th song—Liverpool England—a friendship exchange with Sweden.  Our district is hoping to do wone with Egypt and another with Peru.
The last tune was the Beatles.  They started off as an accordion band that Jim used to play with (wink wink—This may have been the part of Jim’s presentation that did not pass the 4 Way Test)
District 5130 Focus
3 years ago the focus was the environment
Last year it was mental health (international and in 5130)
This year it is on human trafficking – what can we do?  There is a task force that your may join.  Raine Howe part of the Polly Klass foundation is willing to speak to any rotary group
In addition, we have the focus on peace
Conference on Jan 24-26 at the double tree in Rohnert park
Jim ended with a story on friendship
Nearly 20 years ago Petaluma club adopted a village in Uganda.  They, did the normal stuff, malaria nets, smokeless stoves but, the village really wanted education for their children.   So the Rotarians took on this challenge of helping to provide education.  Year’s later, a child of one of the women that grew up in with this education accidentally poured a pot of boiling water on her body.  She received help through the rotary group. This assistance came not as part of the project her mom participated in but through the friendships developed over time.
After concluding, President Barabara presented Jim O’Grady with a gift and donation to put towards the peace conference
Then President Barbara said her Thank yous
Acknowledged the guests
Sergio, Randal, Kristen, Annabeth and Gael, the youth exchange students and the accompanying dad!
Jim for playing the accordion.
President Barbara pointed out the peace poll that will be going to the North Bay Met Academy.  And said that each school has the option to choose the languages that adorn their pole
President Barbara then closed the meeting by asking us to “go out and make Rotary magic happen!”


End Plastic Soup

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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End Plastic Soup

Rotary Minutes for 7/23/24

Call to Order: President Barbara McChesney called the meeting to order at 7:30 

Led by Wally Kurtz, we repeated the 4 Way Test

    Kristine Koszewski and Anna Beth
    Selena Francis
    Randy Ness
    Edna Lucero
    Dick Jensen

Song: Led by Geoff Harrison "Bye, Bye Baby"

Inspiration: Michael Juric "We are Rotary"

Monthly Themes: International theme Plastic Free July, Rotary theme New Leadership- Barbara

  • Sonoma County Area Rotary Club (SCARC) will meet Thursday at Balletto Vineyards to discuss fund-raising
  • Renee Hyde: Rotary bar raised $1,863.90 this week; our cumulative total = $15,182.27. 6 more Thursdays to go. Renee passed around a sign-up sheet
  • Bill Bolster: Led the auction for Saturday July 27th Giants tickets for four seats; sold for $150
  • Beth Smith: shared photos of short term exchange student Alyssa arriving in Spain and Danielle arriving in the U.S.
  • Monica McCabe: discussed the wine lottery; 100 tickets @ $50 apiece; winner gets 49 wonderful bottles of wine. The money goes towards our many projects including Kool Kids Club, Interact, Project Graduation, Student scholarships, Teacher appreciation, Student of the Year, Lunch with Peggy Ball, Veterans lunch, the monument for the Kincaid Firefighters who saved our town
  • Michael Juric: reminded us of the debunking party for Doug Williams on August 9th

Birthdays and Anniversaries were celebrated.

    July 25: SCARC Dinner Balletto Vineyard
    July 27: Faught Road Clean beginning at10am at Bill Bolster’s house, followed by potluck
    July 30: Presentation by RYLA, Interact, Craft Talks
    On going Thursday nights 5-8pm
    August 5: Board meeting and social with Jim O'Grady
    August 6: Jim O'Grady will visit our Rotary meeting
    August 9: Debunking of Doug Williams
    August 20: Past President Maureen Merrill will be president for the day
    September 14: Youth Exchange Golf Tournament
    September 25: Windsor Day Parade  

Speaker: Barbara McChesney presented a modified version of "Creating Hope to End Plastic Soup", a presentation she co-presented at the Rotary International Convention in Singapore. End Plastic Soup is a Rotary initiative begun by a group of Rotarians in the Netherlands to tackle the plastic crisis around the world. EPS participates in boots on the ground clean ups, innovative solutions, promotion of young ambassadors, education, and awareness.  The Rotary Club of Windsor is an ambassador club and President Barbara is the Director for Western North America.  She asked: "How will you show up in your grandchildren's future?”. In addition she asked all Rotarians to focus on the R-strategies: 
1. REFUSAL: Saying no to disposable plastic. 
2. REDUCTION: Finding new ways to decrease your plastic waste. 
3. REUSE: Using more durable products made from glass, stainless steel, wood, bamboo, or ceramic. 
4. RECYCLE: Considering the entire life cycle of items you bring into your life, from source to manufacturing to distribution to disposal. 

Today's Helpers:
    Greeter: Pegi Ball
    Host: Michael Juric
    Set-Up: Steve Klick
    A/V Set-up: John LefCave
    Inspiration: Michael Juric
    Song: Geoff Harrison
    Scribe: Margaret Johnson
    Photography: Sue Nelson

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Johnson, scribe for the day


Putting the Magic in The Magic of Rotary

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Putting the Magic in The Magic of Rotary'

The Magic of Rotary

Good morning, Rotary Club of Windsor.
Pledge of Allegiance: led by immediate past President Doug Williams
Visiting Rotarians: None
Visitors: Randal Neff, Selina Francis, Deb Fudge (Windsor Town Council)
Song: Susan Cole- Do you believe in Magic?
Inspiration- Renee Hyde. Genius is another word for Magic.
Monthly theme and pins: Barbara - Plastic Free July & New Leadership Month from
Rotary International. Remember to pick up your Rotary Magic pin from the new bulletin
Announcements- If you are making an announcement, please make your way to the
front of the room.
  • Barbara- board report/SCARC
    • Financial report, RYLA participants and Interact Club president will be speaking at our meeting on July 30th, Peace Pole Project is approved, a monument tribute to 1 st responders in the works, Arundo Donax project in the works for district grant, membership campaign will be initiated soon,possible 2nd Rotary Club in Windsor, and DG Jim O’Grady visit August 6th .
    •  SCARC is on July 25, at Balletto Winery. RSVP by July 21. Fundraising is the topic.
  • Carol-Money matters – Dues are do and can be paid to Carol with your cc or check. Each year Rotary International collects approx. $80/member from theclub as part of the dues that we pay as Windsor Rotarians every year.
  •  Renee-Rotary bar – Hot weather last Thursday decreased the regular attendance and we generated $992, making our cumulative total over $13,000 this year. Thanks to everyone that shows up to help out and have a great time! Everyone is always welcome on Thursday evenings all summer long.
  • Bill-Pleasant/Shiloh/Faught Road Cleanup, 10am at 6500 Faught Rd followed by potluck lunch, on July 27. A hands-on project that generates a lot of good and only a couple of hours of work!
  • Wine Cellar Raffle - $50/ticket, total of 100 to be sold. Thank you, Michael. Tickets can be purchased from Carol and Ed, checks to WRCF.
  •  Taskforces – Membership Committee has 2 projects coming up and is looking for Rotarians to volunteer for a short-term task force for each. Please let Maureen know if you would like to participate.
  • Monica – Bread Board thanked WRC for supporting the patio contribution that we recently gave toward their efforts.
  • JB- Announced his candidacy for the Windsor Town Council District 3 and was introduced by the 7-term incumbent Deb Fudge along with her full support and endorsement.
  •  Debunking – Brian Ling – Be sure to attend the debunking party for Doug Williams on Friday night August 9.
  •  Photography – Sue Nelson would love to have a volunteer to help on the weekly photography now and then. Experience isn’t necessary and the camera on your phone/tablet is enough to get started. She’ll even provide tips and hints on becoming a better photographer. It’s easy and helps the club.
Barbara: In keeping with the theme of the Magic of Rotary, Barbara embarked on a mission to bring some magic to our Rotary Club, inviting Colt Briner to be our presenter today. He is the author of "The Race to Relevance," a distinguished Business2Business MarCom executive with over 25 years of experience and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Exhibitor Magazine, and Fast Company. He is the founder of Scrappy Marketing and has been pivotal in supporting multiple B2B brands across various industries. Colt has significantly contributed as a guest presenter for the MBA program at Sonoma State University and UC Irvine's Game Changers series.  

“Magic is taking ordinary things and making them extraordinary, like the magic deck of
cards.” Colt entertained us with several tricks using a deck of cards, money, and the
magic ropes! No matter your age, magic is fun and intriguing, and we had a terrific
morning. Thank you, Colt for bringing your magic to the Rotary Club of Windsor.

Thank you to:
Greeter: Diane Brabetz
Host: Michael Juric
Set-up: Dave Doht
A/V set-up: Boyd Morrison
Inspiration: Renee Hyde
Song: Susan Cole
Scribe: Brian Ling
Photography: Sue Nelson
Guests: Randal Neff, Selina Francis, Deb Fudge

And of course, our speaker Colt Briner for sharing his magic with us today.

Meeting Bulletin - July 9, 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Meeting Bulletin - July 9, 2024'

Welcome New President Barbara McChesney,

Minutes, July 8 2024
Barbara McChesney, President, inaugural meeting
4 way test: Lead by Tom Boylan
Visiting Rotarians: Frances McChesney, Bill Gabbert, Maria Schraeder
Guests:  Barbara’s family: Step-mother Doris McChesney, sister Beverly McChesney and brother in law, Doug Meador, Brother in law Pete Peterson, son Josef Morphis,  Kate Noble  and friends: Melody Montero, Kathinka Kiep, Dick Jensen, Edna Lucero
Other guests: Randall from Ventana neighborhood came to check us out. Dennis Wilkensen, Dave Culley (past member).
Song:  Barbara’s brother-in-law Doug Meador sang and played keyboard: Imagine by John Lennon
Inspiration: Susan Cole: MLK jr quotes on promoting peace through unarmed truth.
Calendar of Events:  Barbara will initiate a bulletin board in the future for upcoming events and flyers. Please take a picture of it for your calendar.
Announcements:  Individuals with announcements will be invited to come up to the front of the room to make announcements. 
Carol: Time to pay your membership dues. You should have received a bill in your email.
Renee:  Bar staffing has slots available.  Last bar night raised $2,058 for a total of $12,326
Bill: Faught Road Clean up is on July 27, 10:00 am at Bills, with a pot luck after.
Michael:  Wine Auction with wine cellar from Fun Raiser Night in Seville:  100 tickets will be sold at $50 each. Contact Michael if you wish to purchase a ticket.
Dennis:  Monday July 15, the new pool/billard hall has opened. The owner is the number 1 player in the world and will give a demo at 5pm on Monday July 15.
Bill Gabbert from Petaluma Sunrise Rotary gave a check for $50 to celebrate Barbara’s presidency, joking that it was for an impeachment fund
Larry McCabe, President-Elect, was given a pin designating his title by Barbara
Dave Doht was presented with a 1st Gentleman Rotary Shirt

Barbara’s theme and opening remarks:
Rotary International theme this year is the magic of Rotary.
District Governor Jim O’Grady theme is building better friendships.  He will visit club on 8//6/24
Barbara’s focus will be to explore ways to promote peace and protect the environment.  The schools in Windsor have ordered peace poles. Barbara would like to have monthly theme days in the speaker line up as a way to remind us about Rotary principals. 
1st theme:  Barbara is hoping we will all embrace a plastic free July
Other areas of Barbara’s focus:
-Follow Past President Doug’s vision to make a difference every day
-Continue building on the Club’s energy
-Expand our reach, connection and visibility
-Improve management of Rotary Brand and social media exposure
-Build membership and member involvement
-acknowledge Club member involvement locally, district wide and international
-increase member presence at meetings
-continue our public activities and projects locally and abroad
-more social gatherings

Barbara’s siblings shared perspectives on peace, environment, and service above self as well as a few accolades for their youngest sister.
Step Mother Doris gave final comment.
Thank you
Set up: Kurt
AV: Larry, JB
Photography: Sue
Greeter: Bill
Host: Michael, Dave, Frances
Inspiration: Susan Cole
Scribe: Monica
Music: Doug

Closing Song by brother- in-law Doug: If I Can Dream, written after Martin Luther King died. Elvis sang at every performance for the rest of his life. 


The Mission of Windsor Rotary
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.

The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065.


Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.

Charlie’s Restaurant
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it

Rotary Club of Windsor
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org