Bulletins – 2023 Q4
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY October 3, 2023 DID I MAKE A DEFFERENCE IN SOMEBODY’S LIFE? Pledge of Allegiance: Boyd Morrison INSPIRATION: Renee Hyde: “The World is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” St. Augustine “Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life” Michael Palin, So perfect for Renee, she could have written herself. SONG: Heather Cullen filled in as song master and lead us in You’re a Grand Ole Flag. No VISITING ROTARIANS: President Doug thanked Joan Mora, Maureen Merrill and all Rotarians that assisted in organizing a great SCARC meeting that was hosted by the Rotary Club of Windsor last Thursday. Monica McCabe thanked Leah Hansen and Art Diaz for all their efforts in coordinating Windsor Rotary’s participation in the Windsor parade. Monica said it was a great event, felt like downtown Mayberry, and thanked all the Rotarians that helped clean the Rotary Balloon and walked the parade keeping the cold air Balloon afloat and in place. Last week was the last night of our Rotary Bar, our main source of funding for our International Projects. It has been a great season; Renee Hyde will have an income report in the near future. A Big Thank You to everyone that participated throughout the summer. ANNOUNCEMENTS: John Hackenburg announced we will be hosting a BBQ Lunch at the Veterans Village in honor of our Veterans November 11, 2023. A head count is needed to provide lunch please sign up at a meeting or contact John Hackenburg: john@hackenburg.com . This lunch will be our 5th Tuesday event. NO MEETING October 31st, 5TH TUESDAY Kurt Mitchler announced a project with Russian RiverKeepers: October 28, 2023 9am – 12 noon. Volunteers are needed to work with Russian RiverKeepers to remove Arundo Donax along the River. It is not only a water hog, it kills the native plants and it turns our river from a natural fire break to a bridge for fires to intensify and spread. It is incredibly flammable. Sign up for this great project: https://givingtime.org/sonoma/ or contact Kurt; kurt@dazzlingteeth.com Windsor Community Circle is kicking off the season of giving by giving you a “Screaming Good Time” Halloween Dance & Costume Party October 21, 2023, 7pm – 10pm. Proceeds will support the Windsor Holiday Christmas Food & Toy Drive, and it is going to be a blast! More information and purchase tickets: www.windsorcommunitycircle.org or Contact Larry McCabe; windsormccabe@gmail.com. Bill Bolster announced tonight will be a Short Term Youth Exchange informational meeting at the Windsor High School Library, 6pm. This program allows a student from WHS to travel to another country and stay with a family that has a student of the same gender and close to the same age for three weeks, in exchange the student of that family will come to Windsor Ca. for a three week exchange with that student’s family. We have had a couple of our long term Youth Exchange students and others, that could not commit to the long term program, participate in this program. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore and immerse themselves in another country and language. Program: International Service Susan Cole shared she joined Rotary when she learned of Rotary’s Polio project. She was impressed with an organization that could dream big enough to eradicate polio worldwide, that was in 2011, today there are only two countries left to complete our mission; Afghanistan, & Pakistan. We Are This Close! Susan handed out a flyer; International Influence Rotary Club of Windsor in the World, pretty impressive list of projects the club has accomplished. Pam Moulton (presented beautifully dressed in her Indian dress) said she was drawn to Rotary’s International projects, to be involved with kids, moms, generally the people. Pam had the opportunity to be involved with many international projects even before she became a Rotarian; she was married to Rotarian Ken Moulton, as our District Governor they traveled to several countries Pam was leader of Group Study Exchange in France, Friendship Exchange in India, a Rotaplast (cleft lip) project in India, and Polio eradication in Nigeria; Pam was involved with Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico for several years and she has hosted youth exchange students and attended several Rotary International Conventions. Pam shared with us a charming story of her shopping adventures while in India. Steve Klick was drawn to international travel as a young man, while attending college he and a group of friends went backpacking in Budapest, from there they decided to go to Egypt, in Cairo they joined a guided horseback riding tour around the pyramids. After their ride their tour guide, Mohammad invited them to his village, where they were welcomed into his home. Steve realized his attraction to international travels is the people and the relationships created. Steve has been involved with several Engineers without Borders projects, primarily in Peru; Rotary Club of Windsor has supported three of these projects bringing clean drinking water to villages. Steve stated he is very pleased they are able to provide clean drinking water to the villages, but loves meeting and being with the people. Kurt Mitchler DDS, was first introduced to Rotary when Bill Conklin DDS and Windsor Rotarian, ask Kurt to join him in a Dental & Eye care project in Nicaragua in 2012. There was no dental care available, when the team set up their portable clinic people walked for hours to receive treatment. The dental and eye program is a project headed by the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise, Sunrise Dental Project coordinator professor Ezbon Jens of SRJC was able to secure the portable dental equipment necessary from the Santa Rosa Jr. College for the trip to Nicaragua. Kurt returned on a private trip to Nicaragua in 2014, he was able to see the progress in the building of a medical clinic in Sabalos Nicaragua, While in Nicaragua Kurt was able to visit a Girls Orphanage our club has had connections with through Rotarian Leslie Lewis and former Rotarian Frank Rogers. Before Kurt’s trip the club communicated with the Sisters that run the orphanage and gathered items on their “wish list”, including shoes, clothes, pencils, paper and backpacks. Kurt was loaded up with all the goodies to take with him on his flight, when he arrived in Nicaragua he was greeted by Frank’s wife Cecilia who crammed them into her car and delivered the goods to the orphanage. A project that will long be remembered by members of our club, Thank you Kurt. Maureen Merrill with husband Mike visited Vietnam in 2002; thru East meets West, an International program in Vietnam providing clean water. Due to the communist rule in Vietnam there are no Rotary Clubs. Through a matching grant Rotary was able to provide a $30,000.00 for a water project to bring clean water to a village that did not have access to clean water. On that same trip Rotarian Don Johnson and his wife donated $1,000.00 and were able to provide a concrete house to a woman that became a widow due to landmines left in the fields after the war. In recognition of the gift the house displays the Rotary Logo. Maureen has visited India where she was stunned to discover they have no stop signs or signals, she stated the kids laughed and thought they talked funny. Maureen has visited Mexico and viewed many projects with Festival of Brotherhood. A sister club was adopted in Tepic Mexico whose name translates to Birds of Paradise. Maureen took her first trip in 1989 with Windsor Rotary Club founding father John Lewis and then Club President Phil Trowbridge to Seoul Korea. Maureen and Mike have attended 15 International Conventions and participated in numerous international projects. Maureen shared that the clubs first international project was in 1990 when Earleen Rash was our club President. Earleen discovered a need for bathrooms in the Dominican Republic and wanted the club to sponsor one for a village, hence our first international project, “Earleen’s Latrines”. Maureen shared that sometimes people will question our international projects when there are needs here in our community, she clarified that approximately 10-20% of our giving is international and balance stays in our community. All the presenters shared stories that were exciting and motivating, I also appreciated Maureen’s last comment, “Even if you cannot travel, as a Rotarian you are still a part of all the changes made and the lives changed” President Doug thanked all the presenters, sharing his appreciation for all the projects Rotary has been involved with. He thanked those that help set up the meeting. Wished all a good week, President Doug closed the meeting 8:30am Bulletin Catalog The Mission of Windsor Rotary The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065. WEEKLY MEETINGS Charlie’s Restaurant Rotary Club of WindsorMeeting Bulletin - November 21, 2023
Funraiser to Fundraiser: Where should the money go?
11.21.23 Rotary minutes
Past President Sue Nelson presiding reminding us of Doug’s message: Did I make a difference in someone’s life?
Pledge of Allegiance: Alyssa
Inspiration: Michael Juric People come to Rotary for service and fellowship. Michael had three quotes, one which was: Service is rent for living.
Song: Susan Cole “ I’m working my way back to you,” from Jersey Boys
Guests: Maureen introduced Councilwoman Tanya Potter
Pam introduced Margaret Johnson
Update on Doug: Doug is being careful about crowds while he gets over this phase of treatment. We are all thinking of him and wishing him well!
Doug’s history bit of Windsor: in 1899 seven acres of prunes produced 45 tons of fruit at @20/ton – a very good cash crop!
Report on board meeting last night:
Ed is happy as there is no deficit
Catherine reports that there will soon be three new members if all goes well
Pegi is letting us know that while there is not a year long exchange student next year, there will be 2 short term exchanges of three weeks each. Contact Bill Bolster if you can help.
Pegi also reports that there is a new Interact Club at WHS with 14 members! The RYLA students started it. They baked and sold goodies for both of Heather’s musical theater production.
Larry reports that a small grant was approved for Barbara to buy some permanent cups to use for Rotary parties.
Larry reports that the board approved paying Circuit Riders approximately $300 for a cost overrun associated with Daffodil day.
Maureen reminds us that if you are going to be absent from meetings for more than a week, please let the President know so we don’t worry about you!
Barbara will be President on July 2, 2024 and is starting to put together a board. If you are interested in serving on the board, please let her know!
November birthdays: Beth (5th), Susan Cole (9th), Leah (21st), Allyssa Johnson and Glenda Sales (23rd)
Mike Raasch (24) (and will contribute a rounded up $60 to his fines and $100 to the Ken Moulton fund) , Ed Turner (28) and will contribute $70 to Ken Moulton fund, John Hackenburg (9th) . These last three were not on the list so we need to update our computer list.
Bill and Joan Bolster celebrated their 54th anniversary on Nov. 1, and because they had to be out of their house while the floors were being redone, they celebrated in style at some fancy local hotels and restaurants! Bill’s going to contribute $60 to the community fund.
Meeting topic: Michael Juric and the Fun-raiser. In January we will be putting out an invitation to apply for funding. We need to decide who we will invite to apply. Our club must take an active role in deciding which sector(s) of our community we want to put our energy into.
Fundraiser and leadership
Monica – Beneficiary
Carol – Money
Renee – Greater Giving
Larry – Promotion
Mike Raasch and Kurt – Venue
Pam – Décor
Peggy – Food
Catherine – Big Ticket auction items
Susan Cole -co-lead with Michael
Each table discussed what areas are most important to them. The initial results showed great interest in Youth and Seniors in our community.
To end the meeting, Michael led the ritual of Chuck the Chicken with President Elect Barbara and President Nominee Larry. Larry threw the rubber chicken into a skillet that Barbara was holding. Landed it first try! They discussed the prize: a beautiful floral arrangement, and Barbara brought it home! Happy Thanksgiving. The future is bright!
Meeting Bulletin - November 14, 2023
Wise Words from WiseAcre Farm
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY November 14, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance: Susan Cole
INSPIRATION: Joan Mora, delivered by Monica: “Life is about making an impact, not making an income” Kevin Kruse
SONG: Heather Cullen: Rainy Day
Larry Mills Rotary Club of Healdsburg, interested in joining the Windsor Club
Visiting Guests: Ed Turner introduce “the A team of Exchange Bank, Jessica and Jim Curry, Terry Andreacchi introduced Cindy Parker, current President of the newly formed Windsor H.S. Interact Club, Maureen Merrill introduced Margaret Johnson and JB Leep introduced our speakers Tiffany & Jason Holbrook
. Past President Sue Nelson was acting President for our meeting today as President Doug is continuing to follow the Doctor’s orders to keep himself safe. Sue relayed that Doug was in good spirits and she literally was a talking head, as Doug had the calendar and agenda ready for her to conduct the meeting. Sue also shared that Doug enjoys hearing from all of us and not to hesitate to send a text, email or give him a call.
Club Calendar:
November 20th: Board Meeting
December 9th: Christmas Holiday Party: Home of Mike & Maureen Merrill, more details to follow.
December 9th & 16th Dick Bishop Bell Ringing: Oliver’s Market, contact Bill Bolster for more information and to sign up.
December 12th Bell Manor Holiday Lunch: contact Pegi Ball for more information
December 16th, Food & Toy Drive Distribution you can find information, volunteer or make a donation @: www.windsorfoodandtoydrive.com
Larry McCabe announced that although the Windsor Community Circle made a good amount of money at the Halloween Party, they have not reached what is needed to provide a Christmas dinner and toys for the kids in need this Christmas. Each organization that makes up the Windsor Community Circle is working on raising additional funds to meet the goal. Toys are also needed and Larry stated barrels will be placed this week in various retail locations where toys can be dropped off.
Renee Hyde offered her State Farm Insurance Office as one location for a barrel. 9082 Windsor Rd. Windsor.
John Hackenburg thanked everyone that contributed or attended the Veterans Village Lunch. It was a big success, the veterans were appreciate and grateful for the lunch, music, (award winning Bagpipe band) and the social time. Special Thanks to Katheryn for keeping the kitchen organized, Barbara washing the dishes, Bill Conklin & Kurt Mitchler for handling the BBQ and John Hackenburg for all your organizational skills.
Heather Cullen announced Windsor Middle School will be presenting The Little Mermaid Jr. Thursday Nov. 16 - & Friday Nov. 17, 7pm Windsor Middle School.
Leslie Lewis announced she will start working at Brookdale Senior Living, as Activity Director and will be able to attend Rotary Meetings. Leslie donated $75.00 in Susan Coles name in honor of Susan’s birthday.
Susan Cole confessed she did just celebrate a birthday and matched the $75.00 donation, both donations to be split between the John Lewis & Ken Moulton Foundations.
JB Leep shard the Program Committee: Larry, Barbara, Pam & JB, welcome your suggestions and ideas for program speakers.
JB introduced Tiffany Holbrook owner of Wise Acre Farm, pasture raised poultry farm for egg and meat production.
Tiffany and Jason purchased Wise Acre Farm in 2018; Tiffany went from 20 years of raising chickens in her back yard to managing 1,200 – 1,500 laying chickens on 15 acres of farm land. It is a small family farm and a 24/7 job.
Wise Acre practices regenerative agriculture, healing the planet while producing the highest quality of food to nourish local communities.
They purchase their chicks from hatcheries and have 4 large mobile coups that are relocated every 3-4 days during the summer and every day in the winter. This rotation allows the soil to rejuvenate and the chickens to consume the best nutrients.
When the chickens are not laying eggs they are free to roam the property, protected by 2-3 livestock guardian dogs, the guardian dogs are various breads, Tiffany claims her best dog is Clark a 2 year old Great Pyrenees, these dogs bond with the chickens and protect them.
Tiffany shared the importance of knowing what you are buying, labeling is normally all a consumer has to go by, Wise Acre egg labels state; Pasture Raised, the chickens are 100% raised on open pasture. She explained that the label stating Cage Free means the chickens are not confined to cages but they are confined in a building. Free Range means they are sometime allowed out of the building.
Wise Acre offers an egg vending machine on their farm on Arata Rd. it contains a variety of egg choices and is open 24/7. Wise Acre also has sells chicken stew meat, available at the farm Sunday’s 10am-1pm.
Prior to COVID, Wise Acre sales were 70% wholesale sales to restaurants, now 20% wholesale and 70% through vending machine.
In addition to tending the farm Tiffany opens the farm to students, welcoming young students from local schools to adult agriculture students from Shone Farm. In addition to sharing her passion for regenerative agriculture, Tiffany is involved with several community organizations.
Past President Sue thanked our speakers, guests and all involved in setting up the meeting, reminded us of Doug’s mantra: Did I make a Difference in somebody’s Life?
Meeting adjourned, 8:30am.
Ariel Flores: Buck Institute
Ariel Flores: Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Rotary Club of Windsor, November 7, 2023
Dan Balfe, speaking to the International Committee on their International Grant and drilling wells in Zimbabwe
Larry Mills from Healdsburg Sunrise club
Anne Louis, our international student
Margaret Johnson, Windsor Aging Commission
Ariel Flora, Speaker from Buck Institute
Don Edgar
the Town Green on Saturday!
Ms. Floro spoke about the purpose and mission of the Buck Center in Novato: to study aging in the hopes of helping people age better and live longer. She is studying ketone bodies and aging. The goal of the Buck Institute is to end the threat of age related disease and decline.
Ms. Floro mentioned that Anti Aging is built on five pillars: nutrition, exercise, sleep, community, and medicine.
The Buck Institute is recruiting study participants at buckinstitute.org/science/clinical trials. They have a popular podcast: We’re not getting any younger yet.
Tours of the Buck Center are available by reservation at 11:00 a.m. on Thursdays.
As President Doug would say, “Did you make a difference in someone’s life today?”
Respectfully submitted:
Monica McCabe, Scribe
Meeting Bulletin - October 17, 2023
Windsor Military Memorial Wall
The meeting was chaired by Past President ,Sue Nelson, who mentioned that she was temporarily filling in for President Doug. It was noted that he was needing a little break, and needless to say - there were a lot of past presidents who were vying for the opportunity to support President Doug! Past Presidents LOVE to get that microphone!!Bill Conklin lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and JB gave a little pitch for Stanford Junior University (you know the ones that have the TREE as their mascot!!) and then led us in the song of "All Right Now!"...Candidly, because I am a BEARS fan, I am not sure why he chose that song, although the Club did a great job of singing it!
We had no visiting Rotarians and two visitors, Steve Lehman and Karen Alves.
Without someone to say the inspiration, Sue took the opportunity to remind us that despite Doug not being with us at the meeting, he had done all the work! Everyone Sends Greeting To President Doug!! On behalf of Doug, Sue asked each of us to reflect on our past week and ask ourselves..."Did I make a Difference today?" (as Per President Doug!)
Sue share Doug's History fact which highlighted that even as Windsor was experiencing the aftermath of the 1906 Earthquake, so too were they trying to rebuild after a fire, separate from the impact of the earthquake!
The calendar of events for the club is massive..here are a few of the things to remember to do...
•October 21st - The Halloween Party
October 24 - Denys Andrushchenko as speaker (from the Ukraine)
October 31 - WE ARE DARK
November 4 -the Daffodil Project
November 11 - Event at Nations Finest - Bagpipes ad Lunch from 11 - 2pm ( it is our FIFTH TUESDAY!)
Larry McCabe did a quick review of the Board Highlights mentioning that:
John Hackenburg announced that there would be a CELEBRATION of LIFE for Kathy Mayhew, a Rotarian from the Sebastopol club and huge contributor to Rotary. It will be on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st at 11:00am at the Center for the Arts in Sebastopol (282 S. High Street, Sebastopol)
Kurt Mitchler reminded us of the ARUNDA removal project on NOVEMBER 7th
Monica McCabe reminded us of the District Grant Project which has approved for us to plant 5000 daffodils!! She made note that there is a QR code available for information - as well as information on our website and FB page! She invited us to participate in the luncheon at the Senior Center FOLLOWING the planting event! Planting starts at the Windsor senior center at 8:30am on November 4th, and ends with a hosted luncheon at 11:30am at the senior center!
Diane Brabetz suggested that we start to mask up for Doug!! There was a reminder, that EVEN THOUGH we are HUGGERS, that we SHOULD NOT HUG Doug just yet -let him get through this next phase!!!
Michael Juric got us all revved up about the upcoming FUNraiser. We currently have a steering committee. Athena committee has decided that we are not going to do a LIVE auction and will only have SILENT auction items. We will be working with GREATER GIVING to get things on line and be able to conduct the silent auction through them!! . We are hoping to have about 10 items that are HIGHER TICKET ITEMS, as well as some lower priced auction items! It is anticipated that we will serve APPETIZERS and DESSERTS!! While we have not decided, it is expected that we will also have a RAISE the PADDLE where we can directly contribute to KIDS SPREE or the HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT GRAD!
It is recommended that we invite people from out of the club. Still on the docket is that of LIVE MUSIC! Lots of other things to do to get this together -but WE are off to a GREAT START to make this a successful FUNraiser!! If you are interested in participating or taking the lead in something, contact MICHAEL JURIC!!
Dates on the table for the event - at this point are -sometime in April or MAY 4th!
RECOGNITIONS were aplenty -with:
Geoff Harrison
who gave $100 to any "wonderful area of Rotary" for his Birthday
Scott Bonin and Londa were celebrating their anniversaries. Scott wasn't there and Londa is going to talk to Philip about what they are giong to do for their celebration!!
Steve Lehman and Karen Alves, presented on the upcoming WINDSOR MILITARY MEMORY WALL!
History was given on Karen who was born and raised in Windsor and who is, among many other things, the founder of the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree event. Steve Lehman, is the curator of the Windsor Museum and was at the Sonoma County Recorder Office professionally for many years. He received his History Degree from Sonoma State.
Steve introduced Karen mentioning that she is the GENERAL CONTRACTOR for the creation of the Memorial Wall! Karen mentioned that certain portions of the Green area had not been highlighted before (including the flag poles), however with the development of the wall many portions are being revealed. Karen reviewed the specifics of the plaque that will be installed identifying the different branches of the military service. Further, both Steve and Karen highlighted those who would be honored, including the 86 individual men who were training for combat at the local airport, and died. Karen mentioned that her father was a young man who watched many of these pilots as they were taking off.
It was noted that the first pilot was killed on March 21st, 1943 at the Santa Rosa Airdome (site of the current airport). Karen and Steve reviewed a few of the incidents where civilians were also killed due to plane crashes at the airport!
Each presenter subsequently noted that many of those who perished were buried in Shiloh Cemetery!
There was a review of the upcoming Windsor Military Memorial Wall which is going to feature the names of 86 individuals who lost their lives at the (now ) Santa Rosa Airport during WWII, and include 11 Windsor men who lost their lives defending our country in “all wars.”
"All Wars" refers to the earliest war that which includes the Philippine American War.
JB Leep mentioned that money is being collected thru the sale of 4x8 and 8x8 bricks to commemorate individuals and donors. wall;
“Karen and Steve indicated that the Windsor memorial wall will be formally presented and dedicated on Saturday, November 4, 2023. At 11:00 am. They encouraged all members of the community to come to the Windsor Green for this memorable event.” Sue Nelson, President for the day, gave each of the presenters a Rotary Notebook and thanked them for all their work on the Windsor Memorial Wall Project, and other Windsor based projects.
Sue thanked everyone for being here today and reminded everyone of Doug's message to "make a difference in someone's life" this next week!
Meeting ended at 8:30am.
respectfully submitted,
Meeting Bulletin - October 10, 2023
Igor Peniche
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting notes October 10, 2023
Anna is available for Club Members to invite along for an event, meal, or just a chance to share some time together. Get on Anne-Louise’s calendar and check-in with Anne-Loise or Jamie Williams.
GIvingtime.org/Sonoma – website for District 5130 events information
Club Assembly
My History, Rotary save me!
Igor gave us a very heartfelt story of how the members of the Rotary Club of Windsor helped him survive a personal battle with depression and rebuild his life personally, professionally, and be part of an entire new family. His involvement in Rotary and the friendships that he has gained “saved me”.
Meeting Bulletin - October 3, 2023
International Service
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.
Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org
Bulletin Catalog