About Rotary
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda June 27, 2023 A. Good Morning! - Rotary Club of Windsor! B. Pledge of Allegiance – Sandi Kurtz C. Inspiration – Jo Timmsen D. Song – JB E. Visiting Rotarians – Francis McChesney F. Guests - Natalie, our outgoing exchange student. Todays fund raiser treat is lemon bars G. New Member – Domingo Calleja (Renee) H. Upcoming Events/Announcements – • Rotary Bar report/signups (Renee) volunteers needed to help Monica and Larry while Renee is out of town. • Community Service and July 3 Kaboom (Monica) 2 shifts are needed for the festivities. Volunteers get free admission. • Youth Exchange Farewell and Welcome Home! (Barbara and/or Carol) July 4th Potluck . RSVP by Friday at the McChesney home. Daffodils Planting plans (Monica) I. Recognitions • Paul Harris Fellows (just 1 or 2?) (John H.) • Fines, Acknowledgements (as time allows) J. Program – Terry Andreacchi (JB) Elvis’s early years and what influenced him. Entertaining slide show and recordings. K. Year End - Brian comments and thank you’s a quick summary of his year as president: ----------- New Members: Alissa, Geoff, Boyd, and Domingo! My Birthday meeting in August with our new Governor Jennifer installing Alissa and Geoff as the newest members of Rotary International. 35th Anniversary: Joan and crew Monica, Pam, Michael, Londa, Beth, Sue, Glenda, and Pegi. 5th Tuesdays: Putting social, Veterans Lunch, Bowling social, and Lunch after Road Cleanup Doug is going to continue and it’s a great opportunity to take on a volunteer leadership task without a lot of work and with a defined time commitment. (August) Programs: JB, this is not an easy task especially for 1, and even more for multi-year commitment to the club. Great job, you kept a lot of pressure off the President and had consistently interesting and entertaining speakers. Weekly Volunteers: To Chris for keeping the schedule managed so consistently and to all of you that helped as a Greeter, Room/AV set up, Scribe, Song, and Inspiration. Youth Exchange Host Families: Barbara and Dave, Carol and JB, Brian and Jamie, Heather and Reg. And our fabulous students Gabi, Stephon, Kate, Becca, and Natalie Presidents for a Day: Rags, Pegi, John, Bill (whistleblower!) Board/Advisors: Pam, Doug, Barbara, Ed, Catherine, Carol, Pegi, Sandie, and John plus Larry and Monica the past couple of months as they took on new roles for our club. The Gatekeepers: Catherine, Ed, and Carol. Not every President gets to take for granted (like I do) that our reporting, bookkeeping, and records are always in order. Specialists: Club Nurse Diane, Susan “this is going to be good”, Photographers Sue, Kathy, and Londa, Student Year lead Daniel, Scholarship lead Michael. And I thank each and every one of you that gave your time to our club in so many different ways throughout the year. We really are all friends and that’s what makes our club so successful. In 1996 I left Active 20-30 and soon after joined the Rotary Club of Windsor under the co-sponsorship of Maureen, Michael, and Phil Trowbridge. Thank you for your persistence and support then, through the past 2 ½ decades, and especially these past 12 months. Big Mike too for the constant generosity you and Maureen give to our club and Rotary International. Congratulations to Doug and Tom, next year is going to be a lot of fun and we will all be very proud Windsor Rotarians. • Pin exchange with incoming President Doug Thank you for graciously listening to all my stories and Rotary moments this year, historical if only to me! Lastly, we join Rotary for friendship, service, and an opportunity to make a difference. Thank you for being Rotarians, thank you for being my friends, and thank you for making a difference! Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda May 2, 2023 A. Good Morning! - Rotary Club of Windsor! B. Pledge of Allegiance –John Hackenburg C. Inspiration – Pegi- not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of good luck D. Song – J.B. Home on the Range E. Visiting Rotarians – F. Guests - Domingo, Stefan , our outgoing exchange student Natalie, and Boyd A soon to be new member. G. Upcoming Events/Announcements – • District Conference, Konocti, May 5-7 (Tom or Carol) • Teacher appreciation week, May 9 • Mother’s Day May 14, w/ SCFD (Renee or Monica or Carol) • Faught/Shiloh/Pleasant Cleanup May 20 (Bill) 3 hours and lunch • Project Grad (Beth) lots of volunteers needed • Turn in your interest surveys (Barbara) • Board Meeting Mon 5/8 • 5th Tuesday Team, alternative meeting on May 30 Thomas Boylan, Diane Barbetz, David Cullen, Patrick Dunn, John Hackenburg,Renee Hyde, Walter Kurtz, Leslie Lewis, Monica McCabe, Joan Mora, Michael Ragsdale, Karen Rickets, Jo Timmons, Kathryn Williams, and Brian Ling. • May BD, Renee, Tom, and Monica Heather Cullen announced there will be a fund raiser on May 22 for Odessey of the Mind trip to Nationals Competition $6,000. Needed. Volunteers needed to man booths at the Windsor 5K. Pam Moulton announced her committee needs Projects for Rotary Grants H. Program (JB) Nan Su, Epoch Times :excellent and somewhat scary presentation about what is currently taking place in China and their 100 year plan that began in 1947. I. Thank you to our guests and volunteers • Setup/ John, John • Greeter/Londa • Song/JB • Scribe/Kathy • Inspiration/Pegi • Guests/Domingo, Stefan, Natalie, Boyd J. Closing comments and Adjourn – A. Good Morning, Rotary Club of Windsor! B. Pledge of Allegiance – C. Inspiration – Londa Faber- A Meaningful Life D. Song – Bill Bolster- Hit the Road Jack E. Visiting Rotarians – F. Guests - Domingo and his girl friend, Stefan, Kaitlin Hoffschneider and her parents, Erin Strauss, Madeline Hughs G. Community Service Grant to Windsor Senior Center (Sandie) The newly remodeled senior Center is going to have a Coffee Bar . Rotarians are welcome to come see our $1400 Grant at work at the Grand Reopening on April 29 1:00-3:00 p.m. H. Student of the Year Arete Media Academy – Kaitlin Hoffschneider (Daniel) Kaitlin gave a well prepared presentation I. Current Events/Announcements – • District Assembly April 1 (Rags, Maureen, Tom) 13 Windsor Rotarians attended. Everyone enjoyed interacting with other groups and attending the workshops. • Scholarship Committee (MJ) • Environmental – (Barbara) Don’t miss the Microplastics Film. You can see it in Healdsburg or watch it on Zoom. Celebrating Mother Earth Day Festival in Healdsburg on April 29. Barbara is getting ready for the International Conference in Australia. • RYE Golf Tournament at WGC, Saturday April 22 (Sandie) • District Conference, Konocti, May 5-7 Stefan is hosting a German Dinner to raise funds for his end of the youth exchange trip. He needs $2000. The tickets are $80. The tickets are available now, contact Carol Martin, It is limited to 24 people. J. Program - Club Assembly 1. Overview and Goal of the Day (Brian) – Provide a look into future activities for our club for the remainder of this term and the beginning of Doug’s term. Share opportunities for every member to increase and or change the focus of their involvement. Collect interest surveys from every member to guide club leadership with the sole intent of increasing our overall club involvement. Goal is to increase participation and involvement to whatever level our member is interested in participating. The surveys will give the Board and Doug’s leadership team some guidance in achieving our clubs priorities based on your interests. 2. Club Service (Brian) 3. Youth Service (Pegi) 4. Community Service (Larry/Monica) Establishes relationships in and with the community for service projects both funding and hands-on. 5. International Service (Barbara/Sue) Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico, relationships and connections with Rotary International, Clift Palate Clinic in Mexico, recently funds sent to help victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria 6. Vocational Service/Recognitions (Doug) Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Teachers etc. 7. Environmental Service (Barbara) District Challenges, Environmental projects involving UN, RI, and locally with the Russian River 8. RI and WRCF Foundations (Brian) 9. 2024 a. Doug’s Year (Doug) b. District Conference for DG Tom Boylan (Tom) May 17th at LBC in Santa Rosa . The plan is to have visiting Rotarians to stay with host families and donate 10. Mark Your Calendars (Brian) a. Tuesday, May 9 – Teacher’s Appreciation Day b. Sunday, May 14 – Mother’s Day, Joining SCFD for their Pancake Breakfast at Keizer Park kicking of the Rotary Bar with Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s c. Friendship Dinners d. Thursdays June 1 thru August 31 – Rotary Bar on the Town Green e. Tuesday, July 11 – Beginning of President Doug’s term and launch of DG Tom Boylan’s year f. Saturday, August 12 – Debunking party for President Brian 11. Questions from our members (Brian) 12. Club Survey of Members interest Collection (Barbara) A survey is needed from every club member. Please complete and turn yours in ASAP. K. Thank you to our guests and volunteers • Setup/Terry, John • Greeter/Robin • Song/Bill • Scribe/Kathy • Inspiration/Londa • Guests/- Domingo and his girl friend, Stefan, Kaitlin Hoffschneider and her parents, Erin Strauss, Madeline Hughs L. Closing comments and Adjourn – Bulletin Catalog The Mission of Windsor Rotary The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit, Fed EIN #68-0185065. WEEKLY MEETINGS Charlie’s Restaurant Rotary Club of Windsor Bulletin CatalogMeeting Bulletin - June 27, 2023
The King of Rock & Roll and how he changed music
Meeting Bulletin - June 20, 2023
Zero Waste Sonoma
Presiding: Past President Bill Bolster!
Pledge of Allegiance: Kathy Williams
Inspiration: Robin Rosendez: Be the change you want to see in the world
Song: Susan Cole: Margaritaville! And, Jimmy Buffet came down toout of the Bohemian Grove to play for
the good people of Monte Rio.
No visiting Rotarians. Outgoing student Becca was present with homemade brownies!
Rotary Bar update: The revenue is way up from last year, and Renee is in need of extra help!
RYLA lunch report: Pegi said it was just wonderful! Sue Nelson said it was like feeding a swarm of
friendly locust as the students ran down the hill, ate everything and ran back up the hill.
Community Service: Monica gave a plug for Kaboom and announced that the debunking of our President
Brian will be on August 12.
July 4 th afternoon barbeque to bid farewell to Stefan and Becca and welcome home to Kate! It will be
late afternoon at Barb and Dave’s house 301 Jensen Lane. Potluck with burgers at 5. Contact Carol for
more info: carolmartin016@gmail.com
This Sunday President Elect Doug Williams will be hosting a leadership retreat from 10-2 at Charlie’s. It
is open to all members especially those interested in taking a more active role in our club. The purpose
of the retreat will be for the President Line to share their intentions, respond to a board organization
proposal and generate and respond to potential objectives for the next three years and to develop a list
of potential leaders to fill board member positions. Please let Doug know if you would like to attend.
Dougw1955@aol.com or 707 696-8244.
Barbara McChesney shared a wonderful slide show of her trip to Australia for the Rotary International
Convention. Northern California figured prominently at the meeting, and Barbara gave a fantastically
received speech on ending single use plastic. When your grandchildren are older and ask you when you
knew the Earth needed help, and what you did be able to respond proudly!
Barbara and Dave had gift bags for everyone which included resusable produce bags for shopping, toilet
paper that the sale of helps fund building toliets and a paper pen!
Recognitions and Fines: We all recognized Bill Bolster in a poster wearing his star spangled shorts at the
first meeting back from isolation meeting and he was fined accordingly. $100 to Ken Moulton Fund and
$100 to Community Fund! Thanks Bill.
Speaker: Leslie Lukacs from Zero Waste Sonoma. Leslie gave a fascinating talk about what Zero Waste
Sonoma is doing. They are thinking bold and acting big, which is making Sonoma County a national
leader in zero waste.
Leslie gave historical examples of anti waste campaigns (WWII) and how the plastic surge has become
an ecological problem. Also, food waste in land fill creates methane – another atmosphere warmer.
Leslie and her team are looking for bold ways to increase recycling (actually the last step of many),
increase compost use, construction deconstruction, solar panel recycling (including cow shades) and
replacing take out packaging with compostable materials.
Thank you:
Set up: Brian Williams/Larry McCabe/ Patrick Dunn/Doug Williams
Song: Susan Cole
Inspiration: Robin Resendez
Respectfully submitted,
Monica McCabe, Scribe
Meeting Bulletin - June 13, 2023
Public Speaking - Awful to Awesome
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda June 13, 2023
A. Good Morning! - Rotary Club of Windsor!
B. Pledge of Allegiance – Monica
C. Inspiration – Mike Raasch did an impromptu message of the importance of inspiring
D. Song – JB Leep-everyone enjoyed the song Put on a Happy Face!
E. Visiting Rotarians – None
F. Guests – Natalie to Taiwan, Domingo and the last meeting for Stefan.
G. Upcoming Events/Announcements –
the 20/30 club for the Kaboom event and the need to discuss the community
foundation spending.
H. Stefan Last Meeting
BBQ auction
Thank you’s and well-wishes-Stefan spoke a heartfelt message of thanks to all
Rotarians for their support and help as he plans to return to Germany.
I. Recognitions
PHF (John)-Patrick to donate matching $350 for his birthday. President Brian
agreed to donate for his passing of his real estate exams and Rags donated for his
41 st anniversary.
J. Program – Don Franceschi (Maureen introduced)-Don gave an upbeat presentation on
working out the anxiety of public speaking. He even used Gumby and Pokey props to
enforce his points. It was enjoyable.
K. Thank you to our guests and volunteers.
L. Closing comments and Adjourn – Brian added wonderful words about the sadness of
Stefan’s departing but of how great it has been to have him part of our Rotary family.
Meeting Bulletin - June 6, 2023
Rotary Scholarships
Rotary Meeting Bulletin for June 6, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pegi Ball
Inspiration came from Maureen Merrill – one word: “Dauntless” For all our scholarship
students – you are dauntless!
Our song was led by Heather Cullen, who gave the excellent advice, “Shower the people you
love with love . . .”
We had no visiting Rotarians, but many guests. Today we hosted all of the students from
Windsor High School who received Rotary scholarships this year, and their families. It was a
full house and happiest of times. Our scholarship recipients were: Jadyn Holdenried, Noel
Leon, Maddie Senkowski, Oliver Nunez and Kieran Campbell. (Ximena Bracamones Penaloza
also received a Rotary scholarship, but was unable to attend our meeting this morning.)
In addition, our guests included: Veronica Passalaqua, Don Francesci, Dorothy Mack, Natalie,
our outgoing Youth Exchange student to Taiwan, Stephan, our current Youth Exchange son,
Domingo, and Jeremy Decker, Superintendent of Schools.
A. Upcoming Events/Announcements
? Renee Hyde reported on our first-of-the-year Summer Nights on the Green. She said
the results were wonderful wonderful wonderful, yielding over $3,000 for our
International Service this year. Special shout out to Boyd and Larry who stepped in
to help when we were a bit short on workers.
? Monica McCabe reported that this coming Rotary year our Service efforts would
be led by Pam Moulton for International, and Monica for Community.
? Pegi Ball let us know that the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards barbecue lunch will
be held on Tuesday, June 13. Anyone working with Rotary Youth programs this
year will need to take the Youth Exchange Protection Class (on-line). Sue Nelson
encourages us that it doesn’t take too long (maybe less than half an hour) but also
recommends reading all the material before taking the test.
? Pegi also said that she had communicated with Jack Hyde, who moved to New
Jersey. Janet is having significant health issues, including covid. Jack would enjoy
a phone call or email from us – just hearing our voices helps him greatly. Contact
Pegi if you need Jack’s phone or email.
? Sandi Krutz said our club is looking for Youth Exchange host families. We have a
girl from France arriving in August, but still need a host family. Her first home
will be with Doug Willliams. Hosts can be community members, not just
Rotarians, and it was echoed from several members that we always get more than
we give when we host a youth exchange student. Windsor residents & Rotarians
are being invited to a Zoom meeting next Tuesday evening, June 13 – 6:30 .
You will hear about the “experience” of hosting a student from another country---
and the responsibilities.
? President Brian announced that he will be having his final Board Meeting on
Monday, June 12, 6p-7:30p location TBD. Everyone is invited to attend.
Michael Juric hosted the next part of our meeting, introducing our Rotary scholarship
recipients, while they in turn, introduced their family members who were there supporting
them. Michael did an excellent job both thanking and recognizing the parents who raised such
exceptional students. It is hard work, and the parents are to be congratulated. Cheers and
applause from the entire club for the parents!
Each student spoke briefly about where they were continuing their education and what they
were going to study:
Maddie graduated from Windsor High School, is going to attend UCLA and study business
Jaden also graduated Windsor High and is attending University of Washington, studying
business and playing soccer.
Oliver graduated from Met Academy and is going to start at SRJC, then likely Cal Poly
Humboldt, studying chemical engineering.
Kieran graduated from Windsor Oaks and is going to SRJC and will became a fire fighter. He
interned this last year and loved it.
The Rotary selection committee members were asked about what stood out to them about
our new selection process for scholarships. Almost all mentioned the live, in-person
interviews were an opportunity to learn more about the students, their personal and
educational goals and who were their role models or mentors. All of the students who applied
were impressive candidates.
Michael summarized our scholarship programs where we have donated over $200,000 for
Windsor High School graduates, and recently, supported by the Ken Moulton fund, over
$40,000 in scholarships to students graduating from Windsor Oaks, which Ken founded, and
the Met Academy.
When the recipients were asked by Michael what we should focus on as community leaders,
their answers were inspiring: an inclusive mind set, so we are not so divided as a community
and world; pollution, food security and energy; mental health; and unifying our communities.
President Brian led the next portion of our meeting, which was highly informational about
Rotary in general, and how we operate.
For next year, Brian Ling, with help from John Hackenburg, will lead Foundation. Rotary itself
is almost 120 years old, with the motto “Service Above Self”. In 1978, Rotary declared that we
were going to eradicate the scourge of polio from the earth, and do it in the next 25 years. We
are 99% of the way to that goal, with only one country left on earth where polio is endemic.
And the number of polio cases in a year is less than the fingers on one hand.
Brian recognized Pegi Ball for being a Paul Harris plus 5.
Rotary International is recognized as one of the premier charities in the world, with the
minimum of funding going to administrative costs (less than 3%). So donations to Polio Plus,
disaster relief, Ukraine assistance, and other worthy causes around the world through our
donations to RI are used wisely. Brian has the current status report for anyone who would
like to know where they stand in their donations to RI.
To donate to Rotary International, GO ON-LINE. It’s easy to do, and more direct. It’s also easy
to set up a donation in whatever amount works for you, on a continuing basis, monthly, so you
never have to think about it. If you need help going on line, see John Hackenburg or President
Our Club’s Windsor Rotary Community Foundation (WRCF) mirrors the Rotary Foundation in
its use of funds. But all WRCF funding stays right here in the Windsor community. We fund
scholarships for students such as those we hosted today, and all our local projects, which is
long and varied. When we contribute at least $1,000 to WRCF, we become John Lewis fellows,
in honor of our founder, John Lewis. Our latest fellow, cheered by everyone in the club, is our
own President-Elect, Doug Williams.
Our co-treasurers, Carol and Ed, let us know how we contribute and where those funds are
Windsor Rotary Community Foundation
“How can you give?”
1. At a meeting -
A. Hand us a check or cash
B. Give us your credit card (Happy Skippy!)
2. On our website –
A. http://windsorrotary.org/donate
B. It can even be recurring!
3. Company matching funds where you work
4. Mail us a check
A. WRCF – PO Box 2295, Windsor, CA 9549
Windsor Rotary Community Foundation
“Where can your money go?”
• Endowment Fund
• Long term investment – we use earnings
• Current Projects Fund
• Operating funds for new and legacy projects
• Ken Moulton Scholarship Fund
• Scholarships for the alternative schools in Windsor
• Special Projects
• Like Food & Toy Drive
Charter member and Past President Sue Nelson let us know that with the amount that we now
have invested in our WRCF funds, we need to take a look at how we are managing our funds.
The large contribution from Carl Wiuff’s estate put us at a new level and we need to evaluate
our processes to be sure we are acting with the best information and assistance that is
Windsor Rotary Community Foundation
Want to learn more?
Check out TWO upcoming meetings…
#1: Presentation by Sonoma County Community Foundation
Date: June 20, 2023
Time: 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Place: Airport Business Center (Ed’s office)
414 Aviation Blvd., Santa Rosa
#2: Interest Group – Discuss Possible Changes to Income Withdrawal Policy for WRCF
Date: TBD – Likely mid-July
Time: TBD
Place: Airport Business Center (Ed’s office)
414 Aviation Blvd., Santa Rosa
President Brian introduced June birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations and collected fines
from Kurt Mitchler (did he really get a chocolate cake and pony???!!!); Pegi Ball, who
celebrated at a lunch with her Rotary buddies; and Sandi Krutz, who went to San Francisco to
see “Book of Mormon” and is awaiting the birth of their first grandson. President Brian fessed
up that he and Geoff had ridden the 72 miles around Lake Tahoe after vowing never to do it
again. They were better prepared this time and did not repeat this vow after completing the
loop in a little under 8-1/2 hours. Kudos to Brian and Geoff, and you can be sure the club
shouted for a fine from him. He said it was a dauntless ride, and yes, he donated.
Thank you to our guests and volunteers.
Meeting Bulletin - May 23, 2023
Meagan Black for Riebli Elementary School
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s
minutes are from TUESDAY, May 23, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Jason Black
INSPIRATION: Joan Mora, first acknowledged and thanked our veterans for their service, her
inspiration is a quote from Mary Roach
“Heroism doesn’t always happen in a burst of glory. Sometimes small triumphs and large
hearts change the course of history.”
Song: Susan Cole led us in God Bless America
VISITING ROTARIANS: Maureen Merrill introduced Charisse Arnold, associate Dean at SRJC
public safety training center in Windsor. ,
Our Speaker today was Meagan Black, a teacher at Riebli Elementary School, to assist her with
her presentation; she brought a wonderful group of students with her, their presence added a
special energy to our meeting.
Megan Black and the students were limited on time as they had to attend school so we flipped
our meeting to start with the program and presentation.
Megan stated she wanted to enhance her studies in the GATE class program she teaches at
Riebli School. GATE is the acronym for Gifted and Talented Education; it enhances education in
Math, reading and science.
Megan first approached the PTA for small scale funding for printing pens but was told her
project needed to benefit the school as a whole, she decided to go bigger in her plan and in
2019 approached Rotary Club of Windsor to sponsor a 3D Printer for her class. Windsor
granted the funding and Megan was able to purchase a 3D Printer in early 2020.
She started the learning process of the 3D printer with her 6th grade class, they used features
from the book Gulliver’s travels to measure objects, and learn to scale down objects, lessons
were hampered by covid, and their 1 st design was not successful.
The second year Megan worked with the 4 th grade class on design, and the third year they
created flower pots. Megan stated this was all new to her, and that it was due to the assistance
of the students they were eventually successful.
Meagan shared that this was such a popular & great program she wanted to share with all the
classes but could not do alone. In the 2022-23 year she engaged a couple of teachers to learn
the 3D printer and with the assistance of student mentors has been able to offer to all classes
of the school.
Megan introduced her student mentors to share and help explain the program and their
Connor Caden told us using Tinkercad, (a web app for 3D design, electronics & coding), they
were able to build their own design or use pre built. The app was very helpful in learning how
to use the printer.
Arial Charlotte told us how it works, the 3D printer nozzle is hot and they use compostable
material to make their projects. Replacement parts for the 3D printer can all be made with a
3D printer. They have already reproduced the filament for the printer.
Ainsley & Sidney explained they used a corn syrup base material to make the flower pots, they
were able to design different shapes, and there were some failures. The nozzle extrudes the
material in layers on the design and it takes about 5 hours to make one flower pot.
Kieran & Miko stated there are some challenges learning to design and scale the flower pots
they accidently had one come out huge, they made star and oval shapes.
Alice, Daniel Camron & Tyler shared it was hard to make the bottom whole, but with a 3D
printer you can build whatever you want. Alice designed a Cat flower pot; she said the eyes &
ears were the hardest part.
The students brought in samples of the flower pots they had made and they were amazing.
I will admit I was so captured by these students, their interest in the project, and their ability to
give this presentation to the club and the project itself, I did not do so well with my notes,
apologies if I misspelled a name or left out any details.
I am proud Windsor Rotary supported this program; from the information Megan shared with
us this could grow to be a district wide program in the schools.
Bill Bolster thanked everyone that participated in the road cleanup, he stated they not only
picked up but sorted trash as well and the roads look great. The clean-up was followed by a
BBQ in Bill’s back yard, thanks to Diana Brabetz’s Chili and Jo Timmsen’s Red Dirty Rice they had
plenty to eat and did not have to fire up the BBQ.
It is Margarita time: Renee Hyde has some openings for volunteers, the first night of music on
the Green is this Thursday June 1 st , we will offering cocktails every Thursday through the
summer to support our International projects, it is a great place to spend an evening with
fellow Rotarians, have fun and be of service. Contact Renee: renee@reneehyde.com
RYLA BBQ June 13 th , 11am Westminster Woods
If you would like to see RYLA in action, join a few Rotarians from Cloverdale & 60+ students for
a fun filled couple of hours in the woods, & of course lunch, contact Pegi Ball;
pegiball@gmail.com. Youth Protection Training is required, but not really an obstacle, you will
be sent a link from Nayen.org, Training is done on line, and is good for 3 years.
Monica McCabe & Beth Smith PROJECT GRADUATION:
Volunteers need for different jobs during the week; 6/1-6/4, set-up, during the event and clean-
up the day after, contact Monica: monicasmccabe@gmail.com
20/30 Club looking for volunteers for KABOOM, fireworks and dinner July 3 rd , Keiser Park,
Windsor. Contact Brian Ling for information.
Windsor Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook Off coming in September, gives you time to perfect
your recipe.
Youth Exchange: We have a lovely young lady getting herself ready to join us in August, the
Williams have opened their home as her first host family and we have a third host family but in
need of the second host family, (first part of December to mid-March), it is a wonderful
experience and I promise creates lifelong relationships. If you are not able to host please share
with members of your church or neighbors, it is also a great opportunity to share Rotary with
the community.
Stefan our current Son and youth exchange student just continues to make us proud, not only
for the awards he has won for his math software, but his representation of Youth Exchange and
Rotary has been stellar. Stefan was invited to the Windsor School District Board meeting, and I
believe he was not aware he was going to be called upon to speak, but he never skipped a beat,
his presentation was great!
Maureen Merrill has been involved with Leadership Santa Rosa for many years and was a
participant in class 12 along with Ken Moulton. The community program sponsored by the
Santa Rosa Metro Chamber of Commerce is a program designed to identify, develop and equip
community leaders who will help create and support a spirit of cooperation for the resolution
of future community challenges
Maureen with the Windsor Chamber of Commerce is developing Leadership Windsor. The
program is scheduled to start in August and they are currently taking applications and
interviewing candidates. If you are interested in strengthening your leadership skill and
learning more about our community, contact Maureen Merrill:
President Brian closed the meeting 8:30am
Meeting Bulletin - May 16, 2023
Craft Talks - Boyd Morrison, Steve Klick, John Hackenburg
Meeting Bulletin - May 09, 2023
Teacher of the Year
Rotary Club of Windsor-Meeting May 9, 2023
Good morning-President Brian Ling
Pledge of Allegiance-Catherine
Song by JB
Visiting Rotarians=None
Nothing regarding new member Boyd Morrison which was on the agenda
Skipped guest introductions given the number attending the Teacher of the Year awards
Brian introduced Doug who began with opening remarks acknowledging many Rotarians who made the Teacher of the Year possible. Doug then introduced Pam Moulton who introduced Jeremy Decker.
Each site Principle then spoke highly of their Teacher of the Year including a one word overall description of said teacher who in turn was presented with a $500 gift from Windsor Rotary by President Brian Ling. The Teacher of the Year for each school followed by the descriptive word given by their principal and their introducing Principal is as follows:
Meghan Cambell-Inclusive-Brooks Elementary-Annette Zucconi
Kenzie Sherman-Effervescent-Windsor High-Brian Williams
Kristine Behrens-Dedication-Cali-Patricia Chadwick
Jeremiah Kahmoson-Funny-North Bay Met-Forest Harper
Rachel Neu Cardoza-All Encompassing-North County Consortium-Debra Ryan
Patricia Murphy-Magical-Windsor Middle School-Amy Zigler
Lisa DeFazio-Innovative-Mattie Washburn-Brandon Krueger
Kristine Behrens from Cali then thanked her husband for all his support at their home.
Windsor Mayor Rosa Reynoza added her thanks to all the teachers.
President Brian concluded the meeting early.
Meeting Bulletin - May 02, 2023
Nan Su of the Epoch Times
Meeting Bulletin - April 25, 2023
Chris Castillo - Verity
Rotary Club Minutes, April 24
Good Morning!
Pledge of Allegiance – Michael Juric
Inspiration – Sandie: From Charles Schultz: All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then
doesn’t hurt.
Song – Heather: Good day, Sunshine!
Visiting Rotarians – none
Guests: Domingo, Stefan, Natalie Huey, Boyd Merrison, Chris Castello (speaker), Vicky Long, friend of
Pam Moulton who is transitioning into real estate, Grad night leaders Allison Goodwyn and Kelly Wong.
Welcome everyone.
Project Grad update: Beth: Our club presented Kelly Wong with a check for $2000 towards this
AWESOME project to provide our graduates with a safe and sober graduation. Special shout out to the
Windsor Police Department and Chief Raasch who will provide an officer for security that night. Beth is
taking sign ups to help the week before graduation, the night of graduation and the next day! Contact
Beth at donsmith34@sbcglobal.net
Upcoming events:
Domingo turned 21 yesterday! Renee’s birthday present to him is to give him a Paul Harris fellow
designation with the 1000 points she earned from her donation to the Paul Harris fund. Happy Birthday,
Stefahn reported about his and Michael’s trip to D.C. As our Congressional District’s representative for
House of Code. He was so happy to see our capitol and was amazed at how close all the sites were. He
had a wonderful time, and was very appreciative to Michael to be his chaperone. Unfortunately, the
German dinner he was hoping to fund had to be cancelled due to low response, but Stefahn promises a
new event soon.
Golf tournament on April 22 : Renee’s/Bill’s team was JB, Tom, Paul and Renee. Joan had three of her
wild friends for another team. The tournament made $16,000 which will be used as matching funds to
defray costs for international student travel.
The German dinner Stefahn was planning was canceled.
The District Conference in Konocti, is May 5-. Friday is the deadline to register. Contact Tom or Carol.
Bill Bolster reminds us of the Faught/Shiloh/Pleasant Cleanup. Come clean the road on Saturday May
20, and then have a pot luck lunch at Bill’s! Starts at 8:00 a.m., bring gloves. Sign up with Bill:
Mother’s Day at Keiser Park, 8-12 noon. The firefighters of our glorious county will be serving a free
pancake breakfast (donations most welcome) and Rotary will be serving Momosas and Bloody Mary’s
for $10/ea. Can you help at the bar? Contact Renee at renee.hyde.ngjs@statefarm.com
Environmental activity: Barbara will be at Oliver’s this Saturday distributing reusable produce bags.
Contact Barbara at barbsmcc@gmail.com if you would like to help!
Monica is hoping to submit a district grant worth up to $6,000 to be used for a short term, local project
that has a hands-on component for the club. Have an idea of something you would like to see happen?
Contact Monica at monicasmccabe@gmail.com. Would you like to be on the selection committee? Let
her know!
Have you completed your blue interest survey yet? Please turn it in to Barbara!
Speaker: Chris Castillo, from Verity
Chris is the Executive Director of Verity. Verity is a Rape Crisis intervention organization that has a 24/7
rape crisis/sexual assault line. They have trauma counseling and focus on community education about
sex trafficking. Their number : 707 545 7273
Verity works hard to educate the community about sex trafficking. What can we do to help?
Instead of the word prostitute, use survivors.
Instead of Johns, use the term Purchaser
Instead of Pimp, use Trafficker
Stop using words like slut, ho, prostitute.
Call and offer to help the organization, including being on their board!
Chris said that when you see a survivor your kind smile or words might be the only nice thing they have
received that day.
Thank you to
Set up: Dave/Beth
Greeter: Scott
Song: Heather
Scribe: Monica
Inspiration: Sand
Respectfully submitted,
Monica McCabe
Meeting Bulletin - April 18, 2023
Festival of Brotherhood
Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Notes April 18, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance – by Tom Boylan
Inspiration – Renee Hyde reminds us that we have to “prune to bloom”, not just in our
gardens, but also our lives.
Song – Geoff Harrison led us in the unofficial national anthem of “My Country Tis of
Thee”, which we performed well.
Visiting Rotarians – David Mark Raymond, Sebastopol Sunrise
Guests - Domingo, our honorary son, from Chile. Boyd Morrison with Constellation
Brand. Natalie Huey, our outbound student headed for Taiwan.
President-for-the-day John LeCave had a moving and heartfelt message to our Club. He
has “stepped away” for about 4 years because of fire, covid, and life in general. But he
kept track of our club and observed even though he was not participating on a regular
basis. He complimented the “old guard” of our club which is the core from which our
strength grows. He then noted that the new members were the strongest, best, he has
ever seen. Our Club is strong. And our robust Rotary club applauded that thought
with our usual vitality.
A. Upcoming Events/Announcements –
? Where’s Stefan? JB showed us a short video from Stefan who is in Washington,
DC with Jared Huffman presenting his math application to a wide audience.
? German Dinner April 29 for Stefan’s fundraiser. $80 to attend the dinner, which
will be at Barbara McChesney and David Doht’s home at 6PM. Even if you can’t
attend the dinner, you may just donate any amount you would like for Stefan’s
Western Safari trip.
? District Conference, Konocti, May 5-7 Tom Boylan let us know that this District
Conference is going to be fun! Rotary has the entire resort, and we are the first
event there and opening it up after a long closure. One keynote speaker is John
Hewko, from Ukraine.
? Mother’s Day - May 14, is a pancake breakfast at the Windsor Fire Department
and our Rotary club will be serving drinks (Mimosa, anyone?) to support SCFD.
This is sort of a test run for our Rotary bar on the Green all summer. Sign up to
help and have lots of fun.
? Faught/Shiloh/Pleasant Roads Cleanup – Bill Bolster leads this project to clean up
these Windsor Roads. Only a 2 hour commitment on May 20, 10AM-12 PM.
? Environmental Update– by Barbara McChesney
? Turn in your interest surveys to Barbara
? RYE Golf Tournament at WGC, this Saturday April 22. We have two teams
entered in this event, with room for more or just sponsors. Funds to support
students in Rotary Youth Exchange who may not have the necessary funds to
travel. We want RYE opportunity to be available to more students, so support
this tournament.
? Our Rotary Club partners with other local non-profits in a number of community
activities, like the Food and Toy Drive. On Friday, April 28, we have an
opportunity to partner with Soroptimists in a Bunco night which supports women
and girls in Windsor and beyond. 5PM to 8 PM with tickets $40 at the door.
? Heather Cullen announced a Windsor Middle School Murder Mystery Dinner on
Friday, April 21, from 6-9 PM. $65/ticket supports the drama and culinary clubs at
the Middle School in a 1920’s gangster theme. Your outfits from our 35 th
anniversary celebration can get a second showing! You can even buy a character
you want to play!
? The date for President Brian’s de-bunking will be August 12. Mark your calendars.
B. Recognitions – Leslie wasn’t here to do her funny and charming job of fining us, so
everyone was asked to “tell” on themselves. And it worked. Joan reported on a trip to
Cancun, birthday and anniversary celebrations and gave generously. Maureen let us
know that there was an 81 st birthday celebration in her house and donated accordingly.
Then, Pam Moulton donated for her April 5 special date.
C. Program - David Mark Raymond, Sebastopol Sunrise. Rotarian extraordinaire on all
things Rotary International, Rotary Foundation, and much much more.
David gave a comprehensive update on Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico, which is
going to take place this year on Oct. 31 to Nov. 11, after a several year hiatus. He had a
great power point showing photos of projects that District 5130 has participated in over
a period of 22 years. Our Windsor Rotary club has contributed to many of these
projects, and when David had our Club members stand if they had participated in
Festival of Brotherhood, it was an impressive number of Rotarians who rose and spoke
about the moving projects they had observed and supported on behalf of our club.
Cheers for a successful re-boot of Festival of Brotherhood and our partnership with
District 4140.
D. Thank you to our guests and volunteers
? Setup/ Mitch Grandi, Kurt Mitchler
? Greeter/Doug Williams
? Song/Geoff Harrison
? Scribe/Susan Cole
? Inspiration/Renee Hyde
Meeting Bulletin - April 11, 2023
Microplastics Everywhere
Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s
minutes are from TUESDAY, April 11, 2023
Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Patrick Dunn
INSPIRATION: Leah Hansen shared a couple of quotes in the Spirit of Easter; my favorite was by
Evan Esar
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all of your eggs in one basket”
SONG: JB stepped in for the missing Bill Bolster and led us in “Take me out to the Ball Game”
VISITING ROTARIANS: We were honored to have our District Governor Jennifer Strong visiting
our club today; Jennifer announced our District Conference will be held at the Konocti Harbor
Resort: May 5 th -7 th . The Konocti Harbor Resort is reopening after 15 years of being closed and
5130’s District Conference will be the first event held at the resort, Rotary’s chance to Rock the
Lake. Register now; https://www.rotary5130.org
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Stefan our Son from Germany, Domingo our Son from Chili and
Natalie our 2023-24 YE outbound student. Boyd Morrison returned for a second visit to our
club. Barbara invited her neighbors Tom & Emma Jean, we were also joined by John Brito &
Claudia from Windsor High School’s Welding & Automotive Career Technical Education.
JB reintroduced the club to John Brito the teacher of the WHS Metal & Auto class and his
assistant Claudia that handles grants, student scholarships and job placements.
Improvement of the WHS welding & Auto shop was one of our previous funding projects, JB
displayed a slide of the asphalt now in place at the classroom, allowing students to learn and
perform auto mechanic repairs, still in process is the fence that will enclose the classroom
area. John Brito reached out to Rotary in 2022 requesting assistance in creating and funding a
brochure for the Welding & Automotive class. JB assisted John with content for the brochure
and thanks to Tom Boylan and his skilled team at Boylan Point; brochures in both English &
Spanish were delivered to John & Claudia to distribute to students at Windsor High School.
Renee Hyde announced the Rotary Club of Windsor will be participating at the Fire
Departments Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast, Sunday May 14, 2023, 8am-12noon at Keiser
Park. This will be a kick off for the Rotary Bar; we will be serving Mommosa’s, Bloody Marys
and Screwdrivers. Volunteer’s needed for set-up, serving & clean up. Contact Renee or
Monica. monicasmccabe@gmail.com, renee@reneehyde.com
Bill Bolster has arranged a neighborhood cleanup day May 20, 2023 10am-12noon followed by
a pot luck lunch at his home. Contact Bill: billbolster@eoc-inc.com
Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament Saturday April 22, 2023 at Windsor Golf Club Mother’s
Golfers and Volunteers needed: contact Sandie sekrutz@gmail.com
President Brian & President Elect Nominee are very interested to receive your completed Areas
of Interest Survey, please complete and return to meeting next Tuesday.
Stefan is fundraising to support his Western Safari Trip, offering to prepare an authentic
German Dinner, April 29, 2023, $80.00 per person, purchase tickets from Carol Martin
Today is Marie Coakley’s 86 th Birthday, Marie was a long time Rotarian, the clubs secretary for
years as well as the secretary for SCARC (Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs) I know
she would love to hear from those that remember her.
Barbara McChesney introduced our speaker Dr. Jenny Davies, MD MPH JD, Public and
Environmental Health Director for Cafeteria Culture, and producer of the film Microplastic
Madness. Jenny is visiting from Portland Oregon, her visit to Sonoma County and her first
Rotary meeting.
Jenny gave us a quick but thorough description of plastic; what it is and the fact that we are
surrounded by plastic, and the hazards it creates, not only in the landfill situation but in the
very air we breathe. All of this information is daunting and leaves you wondering what can I
do? Jenny left us with some tips on how to start to tackle the problem;
Question how important is the plastic product you may be using?
Can you find a better replacement?
Avoid single use plastics,
Each Person Do their Best to eliminate Plastic
Barbara sent out to club members the link to Micro plastic Madness; it is available until April
15 th , definitely worth watching. If you do not have the link contact Barbara
barbsmcc@gmail.com for more information in fighting plastics check out Barbara web site,
President Brian thanked DG Jennifer, speaker Jenny and all our visitors and members for
President Brian closed the meeting 8:30am
Meeting Bulletin - April 4, 2023
A Year in Review
The mission of the Rotary Club of Windsor is to serve our community and the world. We strive to better communicate with our members and with the community to inspire and mobilize both our local and global community in health, education, and peace to create transformative change.
Tuesday at 7:15 a.m.
Windsor Golf Course
1320 19th Hole Dr.
Windsor, CA 95492
Map it
P.O. Box 819
Windsor, CA 95492
Phone: 707-892-0492
Email: info1@windsorrotary.org